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Mastering Work-Life Balance: How Parents Can Take Time Off

Becoming a parent is a life-changing event that brings joy and challenges. For working parents, it can be especially difficult to balance the demands of work and family. In Australia, the government recognizes the importance of supporting working parents during this time and has implemented several policies aimed at making the transition to parenthood a […]

Big Changes Ahead For Australian Workplace In 2023: Minimum Wages, Paid Parental Leave, Superannuation, And Aged Care Sector To Be Affected

As we stand on the brink of the second half of 2023, the Australian workplace is set to undergo a significant transformation. Effective from the 1st of July, these updates will bring about a new era of employment law, impacting minimum wages, paid parental leave, superannuation guarantees, and the aged care sector. Uptick in Minimum […]

How to Create Good Employment Contracts for Small Businesses

Australia does not mandate that employment contracts to be in writing. Some Modern Awards or Enterprise Agreements do require employees and their employees to agree to certain things in writing, such as minimum part time hours of work, days and times when work will occur and flexible work arrangements. However, in general there is no […]

10 Must-Have Policies for a Happy and Well-Operated Business

Employers often use workplace policies to govern employee performance, conduct, and behavior as well as to establish minimum standards. To comply with the pertinent laws, there are certain rules or procedures that must be followed. According to the many Work Health and Safety Acts in place in Australia, for instance, employers have positive health and […]

Why Flexible Work Arrangements are Hyped and Trending

What does flexibility actually mean? It’s a buzzword that’s being used more and more in workplace conversations by both companies and employees. Flexibility in the workplace is when modifications are made to how, when, or where a person works to satisfy the needs of an individual, a business, or in some circumstances, both. The Truth […]

Facts About Discrimination in the Workplace #EqualOpportunity

Discrimination in the workplace is unlawful in Australia and can carry significant penalties. Discrimination can occur in one of two distinct ways, either direct discrimination or indirect discrimination. Direct discrimination occurs when one person or group of people is treated less favourably at work because of their protected personal characteristics (known as protected attributes). Indirect […]

How to Prevent Constructive Dismissal with External HR Support

When it comes to workplace issues, the most common problems occur when there are no clear workplace policies and procedures in place. This is particularly important when it comes to the matter of staff resignations. When a person resigns from their position, there are many factors to take into account and the reason behind that resignation is […]


Why underpayment is a serious issue There have been a number of headline articles in the papers recently about employees being underpaid. In some cases, this has been a deliberate attempt by an employer to circumvent minimum standards. However, it is often the case with smaller businesses that the underpayment has arisen simply from a misunderstanding of […]